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Fruit Trees: Current availability as of 10/20/2021

Fruit Tree Descriptions

Fruit Trees: Current availability as of 9/3/21

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April 2020
We are conducting business by phone, email, and curbside pick-up only.
Please call before coming to schedule a time for pick-up.
Our temporary hours until further notice:
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday we are closed
KITV: More chickens might be coming to your neighborhood soon
The ordinance passed its first vote -- the goal is food sustainability. "I would say to sustain a family of five you should have at least 10 chickens because some of those aren't going to be laying all at the same time," said Chung. The ordinance passed its first vote; the goal is food sustainability. The owner of Asagi Hatchery said the benefits of having chickens isn't just for the eggs. "The chickens give you the manure to fertilize your garden, then your vegetable scraps can go to the chickens and then the egg is the bonus," said Maxie Asagi....