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Backyard Chickens & Asagi Hatchery in Honolulu Weekly
Mahalo to Honolulu Weekly and writer Martha Cheng for coming to the hatchery to talk stories about the backyard chicken movement happening in Hawaii. Fun article.
Chickens in the News
We’ve been following the national backyard chicken movement pretty closely. Every day at least two articles about backyard chicken keeping comes through the google news feed. There have been uprisings and heated county debates over the last two years as citizens force local government to rethink their anti-agriculture policies. Many chicken lovers and food lovers have found themselves in a fight for their right to keep a few chickens and reconnect with their own food growing instincts, regain control over their food sources and security, and begin to extricate from a dangerous dependence on global corporatized food. Every once in...
Femivore’s Dilemma
Little more than a week ago, the New York Times revisited its fascination with the backyard chicken movement with an article examining if it might also be an indication of how women are responding to circumstances of the present and looking at the future. Plus we like the title, since we are a female powered business. We also think the continuing discussion and thought about why so many of us are revitalizing the art of chicken raising and food growing is a valuable one. Here’s a link of to the article here, so have a read. Let us know what...
Chicken Names and a New Era of Fashion
My mom just told me that one of our regular customers came in today, he has 3 Rhode Island Red/White Leghorn hens. While telling my mom how much he loves them, he mentioned their names: Barbie, Teri and Ginger. Pretty creative, cute and ironic all at the same time. It gave us the idea to start a never ending list of the names of chickens that have hatched at Asagi Hatchery. It will be a new page on our website. So please send in names of your chickens. First and last names please. If you are are up for it,...
75 Years and Growing
It’s been an intense last couple of months at the hatchery. Mostly because we feel it is a momentous year for us. Asagi Hatchery makes 75 years in these next months. When we look back we see not only our own journey, but the path of the 20th century that has shaped and affected us all. For better and for worse. The first 25 years, 1935-59, we started off and grew as a farm and hatchery right on Damon Tract. A place where my grandfather, all of his brothers and one sister worked together and raised their young families. Hatching...