Local Fruit & Spice Starter Trees

Hi folks,

We received a little forest of local fruit and spice starter trees in time for the new year.  The hatchery feels like an edible forest right now.  We love it!
Trees are locally grown, no imports for us.  And all edibles, since we love to eat.  We’re excited about the spice trees we were able to get.  And except for the Black Pepper, they are all trees — the cinnamon is over seven feet tall.  Pretty cool.
Here’s a close up of that fragrant cinnamon bark:
And here’s a calamondin tree that’s already flowering and fruiting:
We like dwarf citrus trees a lot.  It’s a great fit for urban gardens like ours here in the heart of industrial Kalihi.  We have a calamondin tree that’s been living in a 10 gallon container for over six years.  It has given us continuous amounts of sweet calamansi though it’s lived all of its life in that container.  We also have a mulberry tree tree also living in a container that’s a fruiter.  Then there is the much beloved Sweet Manoa Acerola in the planter box in front of the hatchery.  My mom loves that tree.  So do the bobos.
Here’s our mom giving her baby some loving:
As space and land grow more scarce (water too), it might be a good idea to start seeing what we can start growing ourselves, in especially the smallest of spaces.   That’s become a major interest of ours over the years – finding ways to grow food in island, urban, backyard, settings.  Stay tuned for more stuff.
Here’s a list of the rest of the trees we now have in stock:
All Spice
Black Pepper
Brown Turkey Fig
Calamondin (Calamansi)
Dwarf Apple Banana
Dwarf Kaffir Lime
Dwarf Nagami Kumquat
Green Gold Avocado
Improved Meyer Lemon
Mammoth Loquat
Mountain Apple (White)
Mountain Apple (Red)
Sweet Manoa Acerola
Variegated Pink Eureka Lemon
Come by soon if you are interested, they are going pretty fast!

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