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Hawaii SEED Talk on Food Security with Jeffrey Smith
Our next post was going to be about chicken diapers, but something more important came up.Hawaii SEED is sponsoring a state-wide tour with Jeffrey Smith, author of two very informative books on the health effects of GMO foods, "Seeds of Deception" and "Genetic Roulette." He is also the founder of Institute for Responsible Technology and works internationally to educate communities about regaining control of our food supply from agricultural biotech companies.For more information about the talks and about Hawaii SEED, see their website:http://www.hawaiiseed.orgTalks have been organized on all islands, upcoming ones are:Feb. 17, YBA Hall, HIlo, 6 p.m.Feb. 21, Dragonfly...
One of the Things We Love
is Sol-u-Guard Botanical.It comes in a stylish green spray bottle, smells really great, and cleans up after cute but messy creatures – without leaving a toxic cloud.Sol-u-Guard Botanical is part of the EcoSense line of Melaleuca.They call it a botanical formula because it contains oils of thyme, clove, lemongrass. Thyme and clove have been used for centuries as disinfectants and fumigators – to combat the unwanted on both surfaces and in the air.The company claims that this formula has been proven to kill over 99.9% of bacteria on nonporous surfaces. The label also lists that it is suitable for use...
First Heritage Hatch of 2009
We hope everyone is having a great start to a new year.At the hatchery we’re preparing for our first heritage hatch for 2009!A lot of people have been practicing a lot of patience, honing their wish lists, and making plans for building coops over the past months. We’ve gathered a lot of orders and will be happy to take yours if you are interested in the following breeds: Araucana, Silver Lace Wyandotte, Buff Orpington, Mille Fleur, Barred Plymouth Rock, Silkie, Java, White Crested Black Polish.Remember, these are straight run, meaning that we are unable to designate or guarantee whether the...
da'Kappa at the Hatchery
We are proud to be an authorized reseller of da'Kappa Water Regenerator. Come in or call and ask us about it. Or go to their web site
Looking for the perfect gift?
Look no further! Asagi Hatchery t-shirts in adult and keiki sizes.