Thank you KHON!

Mahalo to the KHON2 team for sharing the backyard chicken revival with Hawaii viewers. Jai and Kenny came down on Friday early afternoon and we were on tv by the six o'clock news. A couple of people in the newsroom are already raising chicks, so KHON2 came to see what the growing interest was all about.
Anchor Joe Moore mentioned that the hatchery business is booming because of the downturn in the economy and people wanting to raise their own food.
No boom here. Like everyone else, we are managing to stay afloat by choosing to know how fortunate we are to be doing something we care about and to have the chance to meet great people everyday. We're so lucky to have customers that are really good fun and interested in exploring all kinds of things - chickens, eggs, chickens as pets and companions, growing their own food, getting in touch with their inner farmer, adding chickens to the garden systems. Makes every day an adventure here at the hatchery.

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